Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

    Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (Bank Islam) continues to support our flood-affected customers through the Prihatin Programme. Customers with Home Finance, Personal Financing, or Car Financing who have been impacted by the disaster may request for a moratorium of up to six (6) months, according to the terms and restrictions established.

    Meanwhile, a deferment on financing payment of up to six (6) months is also made  available to Bank Islam’s affected micro, small and medium-sized (MSMEs) customers.  Financial assistance is open to all credit facilities with scheduled or contractually due  payments, specifically the Term Financing Facilities, Revolving Credit & Cash Line  Facilities and Trade Facilities.

    Bank Islam also offers waiver fees and charges for replacing debit cards-i, and  chequebooks lost or damaged during the floods.

    Apart from that, Bank Islam is offering the Disaster Relief Facility (DRF) to alleviate the  financial burden of those affected by floods and enable them to resume their business  operations. Under this facility, the eligible micro-enterprise can apply for financing up to RM150,000. A financing size of RM700,000 is made available to SMEs with a tenure  of seven years, including a moratorium of six (6) months.

    Applications for the Prihatin Programme and DRF can be made at the nearest  operating Bank Islam branches within three (3) months of the incident.

    Affected customers can obtain more information on the Prihatin Programme for Flood by visiting Customers may reach Bank  Islam Contact Centre at [email protected] or 03-26 900 900 for  further assistance. Meanwhile, businesses can also reach out to sme [email protected].

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